パッケージの配布は1938 年に始まり、現在まで80 年続いています。この背景には、戦後の経済事情、人口問題など、厳しい現実を乗り越え発展を遂げてきた、福祉国家としての強い意志が見てとれます。妊婦のケアに関する施策はこの他にもいろいろあり、国の未来を担う赤ちゃんの誕生に対する国民の熱い想いを感じとることができます。
ところで、フィンランドは2017 年に独立100 周年を迎えられ、2019 年は日本との外交関係樹立100 周年という節目の年に当たります。このタイミングで、国家のプロジェクトともいうべきベビーパッケージに焦点を当てた企画展を開催することは、とても意義深いことだと考えています。
ギャラリーエークワッドでは、これまでフィンランドに関連した企画展を数多く開催して参りました。近年では2016 年に「アイノ・アールト、アルヴァ・アールトと歩んだ25 年」展、2017 年に「マリメッコ・スピリッツ」展を開催いたしました。
A baby package is a gift of blessings and welcome to a family with a newborn baby from the government of Finland, one of the eminent welfare states in the world. The package contains baby clothing and baby care products. Most of the families choose the package, while they have another option to receive the gift in cash.
The program celebrates its 80th anniversary since it started in 1938. We can see, behind the program, the firm determination of the nation as a welfare state. The nation has faced post-war economic difficulties, population issues and other harsh realities. We can feel compassion of the Finnish people welcoming birth of babies who bear the future through this program and many other policies for pregnant mothers. While imposing high rate of tax, the government takes serious responsibility to promote welfare with gracious policies for childcare and education.
Finland celebrated its 100th anniversary of independence in 2017 and will have another milestone of 100th anniversary of diplomatic relationship with Japan in 2019. It is very significant for us to host this exhibition at this timing with the focus on the baby package which can be called as a national project.
The fact that family life is full promotes psychological and mental stability of the people. It also is one of the basic requirements to support active equal participation and collaboration of men and women in the society. The welfare policies of Finland give a lot of insight and inspiration to Japan that is searching a new way to promote active participation of women in the society where people face unprecedented low birth rate and rapid aging. The baby package is a symbol of welfare state of Finland. We may be easily copy the program but we cannot substantiate and sustain the program without firm determination of the government.
Gallery A Quad has organized many exhibitions in relation to Finland. In recent years we had “Aino Aalto: Twenty-five Years of working with Alvar Aalto” in 2016 and “Marimekko Spirits” in 2017. Both exhibitions focused women who climbed up to the untrodden height for women with their talents, enthusiasm and strong bonds with their partners when it was difficult for women to advance into the man-dominated society. They have taught us how these individuals lived and shined in the society and how the history of Finnish society has paved its way as a welfare society.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Embassy of Finland in Japan and Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland, The Finnish Institute in Japan, the invited artists who provided the works, those who participated in the competition and many others who have offered us ample support and cooperation.