事業主体 | 首都高速道路公団 |
構造設計 | 新日本技研、オリエンタルコンサルタンツ |
施工 | 上部工:三菱重工業、日本鋼管等JV 下部工:鹿島建設、大成建設等JV |
用途 | 道路橋(高速道路+一般道の2層) |
構造形式 | 3径間連続鋼トラス斜張橋 |
規模 | 長さ860m, 幅40.2m |
竣工年 | 1989年 |
[土木学会田中賞(1989)] |
以下、橋の解説は『BRIDGE―風景をつくる橋』 (大野美代子+エムアンドエムデザイン事務所/著、藤塚光政/写真、鹿島出版会、2009)より引用
Client | Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation |
Structural Engineer | Shin Nippon Giken Engineering, Oriental Consultants |
Constructor | Super: Joint Venture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nihon Kokan Sub: Joint Venture of Kajima Taisei |
Use | Vehicle |
Structure | Three-span Continuous Steel Truss and Cable Stayed |
Scale | Length: 860m, Width: 40.2m |
Completion | 1989 |
Location | Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa |
A fifteen-year study led to the decision to build a cablestrayed,double-decker bridge for the expressway and the national road. The study also defined the large dimensions of the bridge: length of 860 meters, two 172-meter towers with a span of 460 meters, and 55-meter beams above sea level. We designers were assigned to add ʻshapeʼ to the dimensions.
The bridge was built at approximately the two-kilometer point from the city and its whole silhouette is visible from a number of places at not-too distant locations. That is, this bridge must look beautiful from every angle. We started to understand the scale that the bridge would need to span when we saw the scenery. Then we referred to many drawings and sketches as well as miniature models to simulate a number of plans. We subsequently selected a beautiful outline that featured elegantly-standing dual towers.
We sought a functional design while keeping the flow of strength as an inherent element of the bridge and artistic qualities as a sculpture. The towers were designed as H-shaped by making full use of their linear shape, while the upper side and the cross section of the H-shape were pressed for their stable, natural look. The cables were not arranged in parallel but stretched out like a fan, intending to give the image of a powerful lift of the beams, to ease the oppressive feeling for passing ships under the beams.