当初、インテリアや家具をデザインしていた大野は、1976年、首都高速道路公団の橋梁技術者である椎 泰敏から「人間だけが渡る橋だから、人に近いデザインをしている貴女に手伝ってほしい」と声をかけられた。それは巨大で複雑で事故が多い交差点に架かる歩道橋だった。交差点の周囲を整備しながら、人々の日常に添った、安全で渡りやすく親しみのある橋にしようという試みの第一号である。大野は、ランドマークになる高い照明塔を中心に植栽を配置し、自分の位置が確認しやすい橋面パターンや色、橋上に設置するベンチ、緩やかな斜路、すべてに廻る点字つきの手摺を提案し、77年東京・板橋の「蓮根歩道橋」が完成した。そして、この歩道橋は土木・橋梁界から賞賛を受け、権威ある「田中賞」を受賞したのだった。
(初出:『AXIS』 2016 年12 月号、p.106-107)
Miyoko Ohno crossed that bridge to the other world on August 3, 2016. Over her career, Ohno designed a variety of bridges and won numerous awards. Initially a designer of interiors and furniture, Ohno was approached in 1976 by a bridge engineer for Metropolitan Expressway Company Limited named Yasutoshi Shii, who said, “As the bridge will be used exclusively by pedestrians, I would like your assistance since your design is intimately connected with people.” The subject was a footbridge spanning a large, complex intersection that had experienced many accidents. It was the first attempt to create a safe, easy-to-cross bridge that could become an intimate and familiar part of people’ s daily lives. Ohno proposed plants around a high light pole that would become a landmark; surface patterns and colors that let pedestrians know exactly where they were in the pedestrian traffic stream; benches on the bridge; gentle slopes; and handrails with Braille along the entire bridge. Completed in 1977, this Hasune Footbridge was given the Tanaka Prize, an authoritative award in the field of bridges and civil engineering.
Inspired by this, Ohno became involved fully in bridge design with Kazuko Ikegami, proposed forms and structures, and while designing larger and larger bridges gradually transitioned from town to city, and from the city to the sea and mountains. Her precision des ign that began in the millimeter units of furniture design had moved to large-scale bridges nearly a kilometer long.
Since infrastructure such as bridges and other civil engineering works are used without much thought as long as they are safe, people are not really aware of authorship. Although Ohno would smile and say, “That kind of thing doesn’t matter at all,” the impact of the design of structures much larger and long-lived than buildings on society and people’s consciousness is incalculable.
When a bridge with a magnificent design is erected over even mun dane natural scenery, a depth emerges in the view, making the mountains seem higher and the valleys seem deeper. In other words, while designing bridges, Miyoko Ohno has at the same time created brand new scenery in cities, mountains and valleys, and rivers and harbors.
( Original:AXIS, December 2016, p.106-107 )