
ミンナ・ケメル=クトゥヴォネン マリメッコ 生活雑貨・プリントデザインディレクター









Marimekko Lifestyle
Minna Kemell-Kutvonen  Director of Home Products and Prints Design, Marimekko

Vigorous pattern and unique use of colors of Marimekko have enriched daily life of the people in the world for decades since 1951. They also have encouraged people to walk their own paths and enjoy life.

Graphical patterns of Marimekko without futile decorations show their presence as if they were architectural works while providing possibility of free and organic interpretation. They also represent comfort of living in the nature and traditional Finnish decoration.

Appreciation of esthetic elements, spatial experience, dynamic emptiness and flickering colors—all send the message of unfettered lifestyle where our dreams are realized.

Marimekko is the culmination of many interesting nuances between these two extreme elements and is always transforming itself.

One of the most important elements of success in Marimekko design is its multilayered nature or encounter of mutually exclusive beauties. This is substantiated as such enchanting combination as the harmony of colors and patterns or as rhythm of jazz. All the elements are combined and concretized as a decorated object, minimal spatial sensation, one piece of costume, set table and as sauna steam. Encounter of cultures, simple and unprejudiced outlook on life, joy of living and fearless and bright view are important guideline in the use and creation of design. Beauty and functionality always coexist and respond to the daily needs of people in terms of interior design and clothing.

Marimekko Spirit—Marimekko Lifestyle—exhibition introduces decades of journey Marimekko has made through designed patterns. Dialogue of the two cultures where we can feel delicate spiritual contact is also introduced as experiential fusion. Japanese tea ceremony where people respect each other and share precious time with peace in mind is dressed in Marimekko style with printed fabrics and physical reality. A Finnish sauna is built in the stylized Japanese garden. In this exhibition, Marimekko print fabrics of different ages play a role of plants and the esthetic dialogue unites Japanese and Finnish cultures.