
岡部三知代 公益財団法人ギャラリーエークワッド副館長/主任学芸員





今回の展覧会では、建築家・デザイナー・フォトグラファーとしてのAino Aalto(アイノ・アールト)の生涯を俯瞰するとともに、アルヴァ・アールトの妻として、母としての素顔にも触れています。彼女の生きた時代はまさに戦争の世紀でもありました。祖国であるフィンランドは、大国ソ連とヒトラーのナチスに挟まれ、資源にも恵まれず決して豊かな国とは言えませんでした。また、まだ女性が社会に進出することが少なかった時代において、アルヴァはいつもアイノにリベラルに対等に向き合いました。そのことは彼女に大きな勇気を与えたことと思います。戦後懸命に生きた時代の中で、本当の豊かさを追い求めた彼女の生きざまは現代の私たちの暮らしにもヒントを与えてくれるものと思います。


Liberalistic and equal partnership of Aino and Alvar produced their Masterpieces
Michiyo Okabe Deputy Center Director of Gallery A4 / Chief Curator

It was in 1924 that Aino Marsio (1894 to1949, later to become Aino Marsio Aalto) visited the office of then unknown architect Alvar Aalto (she was 30 years old at that time). This was the start of a long partnership with him. It is said that she inspired Alvar to cherish and pursue comfortable lifestyle in his works, adding soft and gentle feeling to spaces. It is not an exaggeration to say that this was what set him on the road to a world-famous architect. It is evident that Aino has played a large influential role to make his works occupy a special position in modern architecture with humanism and naturalism.

In 1932 Alvar Aalto, who still had not acquired international fame, was defeated in a a design competition by his wife Aino. This work also won the gold medal at the Triennale di Milano. Aino and Alvar recognized each other’s talents, were influenced and complemented each other in producing their works in a genuine partnership.

She designed a wide range of items such as furniture, light fittings, eating utensils, and clothes under the firm belief in “design for everyday life”. She said “I am not interested in designing luxury furniture since it is easy without any valuable challenge to make.” A glass was beautifully and practically designed so that it would not slip from the hands of a small child and can be stacked. Her aim was to make her works practical simple, and capable of mass production so that they are affordable to the ordinary citizens. This idea was in agreement with the spirit of the time in 1930s and attracted a large number of followers to become the mainstream of modernist design, which lives on to the present. “Artek” was established by Aino with Alvar and others with the objective to produce innovative furniture, light fittings, and other items to bring richness to everyday living. The simple and organic designs are still widely admired.

Aino also left many works as a photographer. We get a glimpse of her extraordinary talent in her perspectives in photography that brought out the inherent beauty of everyday objects.

In this exhibition we try to represent the life of Aino Aalto as an architect, and photographer. It is also our intent to show her life as a wife of Alvar Aalto and mother of their children. She lived in the middle of the century of wars. Finland, her homeland, was located between the Soviet Union and Hitler’s nazi Germany, and was certainly not a rich country blessed with plentiful resources. She was always a liberalist and equal partner of Alvar in the era when women are neither socially recognized nor active. Her way of life in pursuit of genuine richness in the postwar turmoil offers people of today a hint for living.