
ヒンメリ作家 エイヤ・コスキ

この展覧会で、ヒンメリの秘密をわずかながら解き明かそうと試みました。このような機会を得ることができ、とても感謝しています。ここに、日本に招いてくださったフィンランドセンター、フィンランドの伝統文化に扉を開いてくださったGallery A4、そしてこのプロジェクトを経済的に支えてくださったフィンランド文化財団に、厚く御礼申し上げます。


Introduction of Himmeli
Himmelist  Eija Koski

Himmeli facsinates me. My heart has always been captivated by it. As a child I remember sitting in the living room of my aunt, who was a farmer, looking up at this mysterious thing in the corner of the room. I intensely gazed at the himmeli made from rye straw that was silently rotating due to the air current. My eyes could not be separated from it. At Christmas time our relatives all came to one house, so the living room was full of people. Even now at 30 years of age I vividly recall that himmeli of my aunt.
The himmeli writer Mutsuko Yamamoto is also captivated by himmeli. When she visited me 3 years ago she asked me whether himmeli has a spiritual significance. I was unable to answer. The only questions I was able to answer were those such as how long it takes to produce himmeli. Prompted by this question I thought strongly how to answer it, and as a result I wrote a book. However even now I continue to search deeply for the answer. Explaining it is no simple matter.
Why am I and a Japanese friend so attracted to himmeli? Also why are people around the world drawn to it? Himmeli has a big secret that opens the hearts of people. This secret makes people thankful, and captivated. It does not matter what country a person was born in. This is because anyone can understand the language of himmeli. This language is ”geometry”, and through this beauty is communicated.
In this exhibition I have tried to reveal the secret of himmeli however little, and am very grateful for receiving this opportunity. I wish to express my deep gratitude to the Finnish Institute in Japan, to Gallery A4 who have opened the door to traditional Finnish culture, and to the Finnish Cultural Foundation which has financially supported this project.

With love from Finland