In 1876 Mark Twain produced “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, This is a tale that has been loved by people throughout the world in the 150 years since it was created up to the present day. So many people have admired and empathized with Tom who was full of curiosity, and Tom who pushed headlong into things without fear of failure.
However what about Tom and the children of this century?
For the children of today the right way of learning is considered to be that which places priority on efficiency to enable the learning effect to be measured in a short period of time, and they are not allowed to take detours or to fail like Tom was. It is probably even difficult for them to set foot in the world of daydreams. On the other hand adults seem to have also lost the courage to allow the children to undertake challenges of learning for which the result cannot be seen. Such children are like the uniform industrial products produced by a factory called education.
This may be an exaggeration, but it seems that the world has started to vaguely sense a feeling of crisis about this, with the result that much is made of the term “21st century skills”, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is also putting forward the term “zest for living”.
Now, I encountered FLL just before I first heard the terms “21st century skills” and “zest for living”.
FLL is a tournament in which children from 9 to 15 years old present the product of their ideas and strategy for 4 tasks that have no answers (3 presentation tasks, 1 robot competition task) prepared over a period of only 3 to 4 months. For children that have been treated as industrial products, tasks that have no answer are extremely troublesome. Although there is no answer, they are afflicted with questions such as “is this the most efficient shortest route to the answer?” or “is this the right answer, or is this the wrong answer?”, and cannot see the way forward.
However FLL uses LEGO toys. It is first and foremost play. If it is play it is easy to step away from the line of common sense. If that step is a failure it does not matter. Because it is play. Adults just approach and say “try this?” or “what are you doing?”, It is no failure if it is not done skillfully. “I cannot” is a valuable clue for knowing.
In the 2011-2012 season when there were entries from about 20,000 teams, it was Japanese children that won the laurels of the best in the world at Saint Louis, near the scene of Tom Sawyer. They produced a marvellous answer to the question with no answer. Their driving force undoubtedly arose from the fact that in their heart the light of curiosity had been lit.
Finally, this is just a part of the attraction of FLL. There is still much world-class learning in FLL. Definitely I urge many people to take an interest in FLL. I would be delighted if attending this exhibition ignites the light of curiosity in everyone.