
30 Wood Program projects built from 1994 to 2015

この 20 年余りの間にプログラムに参加した学生たちの手によって様々なスケールと用途の建物が 30 棟ほども完成している。中には様々な形で素晴らしい評価を得たものもあり、フィンランド・ウッド・アワード、ヘルシンキの「建物のバラ」フィンランド建築家組合のサステナビリティー賞、フィンランド文化財団のランタサルミ賞などを受賞している。



30 Wood Program projects built from 1994 to 2015

Over the past twenty years students in the program have completed 30 full scale building projects that vary in scale and purpose. These have in turn received various forms of recognition, including the Finnish Wood Award, the Helsinki ‘Rose for Building’, the Finnish Association of Architects’ Sustainability Award and the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Rantasalmi Prize.

Though projects vary dramatically in size, purpose and form they are all developed with a spirit of experimentation. Students not only enter deeply into the life of one material, they also gain the skills and ambitition necessary to develop themselves as architects.