
アアルト大学教授,建築学部長 Pekka Heikkinen

1987年、学生であった私は、築 67年の木造の古民家の改修を計画していた。年配の指導教授からは、設計に着手する前に建物の状態を調べるようにとの勧めがあった。そこで金鏝とナイフで建物の調査を進めていくうちに、あらゆる建材の中で最も繊細である資材 “木”に魅了されていった。
それから数年後、私は10 年以内にフィンランドの木の権威になろうという目標をたてた。が、すぐにそれは到達不能な目標であることを悟った。木は私が想像したよりもはるかに複雑な建材であることがわかり、それだけにいっそう興味深いものとなった。


木は過去16,000 年間建築に使用されており、そのことから木が優れた資材であることがわかる。しかし木は完全資材ではなく、その使用には注意と敬意を払う必要がある。敏感で傷つきやすい自然素材である。が、適切に設計され良好に保存された木造建築は何百年の歴史に耐える。

木造建築の歴史は長く、故に木の特性とそれが人間 ・環境に及ぼす影響は知り尽くされている。このことは、今日の近代的な合成素材の時代にあって極めて重要である。木は世界的に重要な唯一の再生可能建材である。木を育てるためには、大気中から二酸化炭素、地上からミネラルと水、太陽からエネルギーを必要とする。その過程で酸素と木が産まれる。ここフィンランドでは木を一本育成して一本を伐採するため、木材を節約する必要がない。


The Challenge of Wood Architecture
Professor, Head of the Department of Architecture Pekka Heikkinen

Learning to build with wood
In 1987, as a young student, I was planning the renovation of a 67-year old wooden house. My old Professor suggested that I should examine the condition of the building before starting the design process. As I burrowed through the structures using a crowbar and a knife, I started to fall in love with the finest of all building materials: wood.
A few years later, I made it my goal to become the leading Finnish authority on wood within ten years. I quickly realised that this was an impossible goal to achieve: Wood turned out to be a more complex building material than I had imagined, making it all the more interesting.

Learning to use wood
Wood architecture and construction is much more important part of learning at Aalto University’s Department of architecture now than it was in my student days. The Wood Program aims at creating similar urge for the students: An interest to learn more about wood.
However, teaching wood architecture is an exception among universities around the world. Although the demand for the use of natural building materials is increasing globally and knowledge of how to use wood is becoming more important and valuable in architectural design and construction.

The attraction of wood
Wood has been used for building for the last 16,000 years, which shows that it is a good material. But it is not a perfect material, its use calls for a careful and respectful attitude. It is a sensitive and vulnerable natural material, but a wooden building that is well designed and well-kept will last for hundreds of years.
The importance of special expertise cannot be overstressed. It is essential to apply knowledge and skill, and the design of a sound wooden house is a process that calls for systematic organisation, sensitivity and creativity.

The future of wood
The history of building in wood is so long that the properties of wood and its impact on people and the environment are known through and through; this is extremely important in this age of modern, synthetic materials. Wood is the only renewable building material that is of global importance. In order to grow it we need carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, minerals and water from the earth and energy from the sun. These ingredients produce oxygen and wood. Here in Finland, another tree is grown to replace every one that is taken down so there is no need to save on timber !
Wood is not a modern material. It is ancient, but at the same time one of the most important building materials of the future. Demands for energy saving and increased use of renewable building materials are going to increase the popularity of timber construction more than ever.