私が、その編集責任者瀬底 恒さんから、初めて取材と執筆を依頼されたのは発刊3年目の1967年。それが一回で終わらず次々に依頼されるようになり、振り返ると2005年までの38年間に、24本もの原稿を執筆していたことを知り、いまは感慨無量である。
そのデザイン会議の事務局次長をされていたのが瀬底 恒さんで、六本木の事務所では何度か会い、その顔の広さと英語力には舌を巻いていた。ただ、それから数年後、広報会社コスモ・ピーアールに移られて『アプローチ』の編集責任者となられていた瀬底さんから、突然お声がかかり、瀬戸内海に竹中が建てたマツダ工場の取材執筆を依頼されたときには率直にいって驚いた。ただ竹中といえば、朝日新聞社とも縁がないわけではない。それに建築施工会社の軟弱地盤への挑戦など、もし自分が建築家になっていたらと思うと、人ごととは思えなかったのである。
私と瀬底さんの出会いについては、「瀬底 恒を巡る100人のボーイフレンド・ガールフレンド」のなかでも紹介しているが、彼女の、肩書きや、性別、権威に物怖じしない姿勢や、その達者な語学力、アイデア力が、今日の『アプローチ』誌を育て上げたものだろうと思っている。
It has been almost half a century since approach was first published in 1964. The magazine has introduced examples of architecture from around the world, in addition to that of Takenaka Corporation. Therefore, it is fair to say that it has made a significant contribution to the history of architectural culture.
Over the 38 years up to 2005, I wrote a total of 24 manuscripts for approach—a legacy that moves me deeply. I studied architecture in college but became a newspaper reporter. I was first asked to contribute by Ms. Tsune Sesoko of Cosmo Public Relations Corporation, who was the editor of approach. When she contacted me out of the blue for a story on a Mazda factory built by Takenaka, I have to admit I was surprised.
I continued to write articles for approach every now and then, even after Ms. Sesoko fell ill and Ms. Machiko Mizukami took over, followed later by Ms. Naoko Sawada. In the beginning, most of the subjects related to technical developments at Takenaka, but starting around the time of the 1970 World Expo in Osaka, the magazine expanded its content to the extent that it had a feature article on the World Expo itself. Each time I took on a new subject, Ms. Sesoko described to me the things I would need to note. Ms. Sesoko quite often organized feature articles on architects from overseas in whom she was personally interested. I was deeply impressed by the breadth of her horizons and the depth of her curiosity. I was especially amazed when she contributed a commentary on Christopher Alexander.
My encounter with Ms. Sesoko was described in a book titled 100 Boyfriends and Girlfriends of Tsune Sesoko. Her self-assuredness gave her an unflinching demeanor, and her excellent command of languages combined with the power of her ideas helped make approach into what it is today.