『太陽』創刊号と『approach100』とが手元にある。前者は平凡社が1963年7月に創刊した初のグラフィック総合誌、後者は翌年春に創刊の100号記念号(1987年12月刊)だ。どちらも本文横組なのが目を引く。両誌をつなぐひとりが米国生まれの写真家・石元泰博である。『 太陽』創刊号に石元は写真と文による「 20世紀の造形 鉄の誕生」 で参画し、『approach』 には創刊からの撮影に加え、1973年からは表紙と巻頭言「表紙のことば」も担当した。
これは偶然ではない。石元のシャープな写真が注目を集め、『花椿』や『洋酒天国』を代表とした企業PR誌が1960年代に「インダストリアル・エディターシップ」と呼ぶにふさわしい創刊ラッシュを迎える時期と重なったからだ。例えば、60年には石元と縁の深いモホイ・ナジにちなんだ誌名の『SPACE MODULATOR』が、続いて『energy』、『グラフィケーション』、『無限大』と、専門家向けの評価の高いPR誌が創刊された。
100号記念号に寄せて村松貞次郎は、「フィロソフィー」に加え、「さらに欲を申せば、もう一片の詩情を」と記した。発刊されたばかりの『旅の手帖 柳宗理』(河出書房新社)には、『approach』1998年夏号掲載の柳 宗理と三宅一生の対談「アノニマウスデザインに向かって」が再録されている。そんな例は少なくないだろう。このPR誌が編集の柱に建築に限らない「Design&Art」を据えているからこそだ。同じく柱としてきたのが「Nature&Environment」、「Life&Education」、「History&Heritage」、「People」、それらすべてに想像力を刺激する「For the Future」の視点でアプローチし続けることを望んでやまない。
I have the first issue of Taiyo and approach 100 at hand. The former is the first general graphic magazine that Heibonsha Limited launched in 1963, and the latter is the 100th anniversary issue from 1987. The link between these two magazines is photographer Yasuhiro Ishimoto, who participated in the inaugural issue of Taiyo with his pictures and text titled “Formative Arts of the 20th Century — Birth of Iron.” He contributed to approach by shooting photos for the inaugural issue, and later he was involved with other aspects of the magazine such as the cover photography. Ishimoto’s sharp imagery garnered much attention in the 1960s—an era in which corporate PR magazines began to be published left and right in what came to be called “industrial editorship.”
Half a century later, most of these magazines have disappeared. General magazines that survived by shifting their emphasis from “facts” and “opinions” to “information” and “trends,” as well as PR magazines, no longer have the sense of momentum they once did. Nevertheless, approach is now celebrating its 200th issue, even though Tsune Sesoko, Ikko Tanaka, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, and Renichi Takenaka, all of who were associated with approach, have passed away.
In approach 100 Sadajiro Muramatsu said, “In addition to ‘Philosophy,’ (I would like) one more piece of poetical imagination, if I am allowed to wish so much.” In Tabi no Techo, Sori Yanagi, which was published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha, his dialogue with Issey Miyake titled “The Anonymous Design” from a 1998 issue of approach has been reprinted. This is evidence of approach’s wideranging focus on design and art, which goes beyond architecture alone. It has also emphasized themes categorized as “Nature & Environment,” “Life & Education,” “History & Heritage,” “People,” and “For the Future.” With the last theme in mind, I hope approach continues to fulfill people’s interests.