創刊号『approach spring ’64』の1ページ目には、写真家石元泰博氏による「桂垣」がモノクロ写真で紹介されています。ともすれば、自信を失いかけていた「日本人」や「日本文化」に対する熱いまなざしと、何かに向かおうとする強い意気込みを垣間見ることができます。一方、記事の第一号はSOM設計のテネシー・ガス・ビルディングを日本語・英語併記で紹介しています。当誌は、発刊される前に「建築と社会」という小冊子が発刊されており、これを引き継ぎさらに充実させたものと位置づけすることができると、当時の編集長小川 正が編集後記に述べています。上質の文化や芸術を広く世界に紹介することによってよりよい社会創造に貢献しようという基本理念をここに見ることができます。なお、アートディレクションは若き田中一光が担当しています。
さて、『approach』が取り上げてきた記事は大きく分けると6つのカテゴリーに分類することができます。「Design&Art」「Nature&Environment」「Life&Education」「History&Heritage」「For the Future」「People」など、建築単体に絞らず広く社会や文化に関する事象に焦点を当ててきました。
In April of 1964, Takenaka Corporation published its first quarterly magazine, approach. In October of the same year,the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo, symbolizing the revitalization of postwar Japan. Through this event, Japanproudly demonstrated to the world its remarkable recovery from wartime devastation, which had taken place withinless than 20 years.
On the first page of the first issue, approach spring ’64, a monochrome picture titled Katsuragaki by photographer Yasuhiro Ishimoto was displayed. It gives a glimpse of his view towards the Japanese and Japanese culture and his strong encouragement for it to move forward. The first article, written in both Japanese and English, introduced the Tennessee Gas Building designed by SOM. Prior to the first release of this magazine, a booklet titled Architecture and Society had been published. Tadashi Ogawa, who was the editor in chief back then, described in the editor’s note that the magazine could be characterized as the successor to the booklet, further enhancing its content. We see that the basic philosophy of this magazine was to contribute to the creation of a better society by presenting high quality culture and art to the world. Art direction was handled by the then-young Ikko Tanaka.
The articles that have appeared in approach can be roughly divided into six categories: “Design & Art,” “Nature & Environment,” “Life & Education,” “History & Heritage,” “For the Future,” and “People.” It has not made architecture its sole topic of interest, but rather has focused on a variety of social and cultural events.
“Architecture” cannot exist on its own if separated from people’s lives, history, culture, or arts.
I think that the most significant message of approach can be found in this recognition.
It has now been about 50 years since the debut of approach, and this year’s winter issue will be the 200th. I would like to take this opportunity to look back on the overall picture of how approach has been created over the last half century, as well as to examine its role and impact. I would also be happy if this exhibition could provide ways to think about the role corporate activities should play, as well as future possibilities this area.